Improv for Teambuilding, Creativity

Most people have no idea how creative they can really be. We've been creatively strangled by teachers, bad schools and bad bosses. Through the principles of Improv (invented in the theatre community, now used globally from Microsoft to Google to Wells Fargo Bank) we can get back in touch with our most-powerful creative impulses. The results are truly magical...

I will show you how to:

  • Dis-engage your “inner censor”
  • Learn how to be authentic and in-the-moment
  • Access creative ideas that will amaze you
  • Brainstorm more effectively
  • Become more inventive overnight

Training will be in English (instructor understands Czech).

Training is recommended offsite.  We can find a location near you for a small fee.

3 half-day workshops (recommended: 15:00-19:00, time can be discussed)
15,000 CZK

Costs for premises, refreshments are carried by the company.

Contact me

If you need creative solutions in English, I can help you.
+420 737 125 326